
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Panter Arộme Café Culture

Panter Arộme Café Culture

He sits in the Café enjoying a delicious Ethiopian Coffee.  Sipping at a slow pace and taking in the flavors of roasted chocolate and almonds that never fail to impress him every time the cup is raised to his lips.  To enjoy Coffee as good as this, it must be complimented with something that is deserving of such exquisite flavor and textures.  And he knows exactly what that is.  By the time the coffee is nearing its final three or four quaffs, his hand is already in one of the side pockets of his jacket.
Nonchalantly, he routinely pulls out a small metal square container that has the words--
Panter Arộme on top with the design of a spotted leopard crawling upon a mini cigar as its logo. Opening the red container his fingers select one of the many cigarillos laid next to each other, and as a matter of reflex, brings it to his nose and sniffs the sides of it.  The soft yet sturdy feel of tobacco is now at his fingertips as he gently squeezes the Panter Arome and lights it with satisfaction.
The feeling is just right!  It is so good!  The late afternoon continues on forward, and the Café is full of people, some faces he recognizes and some he does not.  For that is the way of Café culture.  As the Panter Cigarillo slowly burns, smooth full bodied smoke is exhaled randomly and with a sense of relaxation.
At this time a woman with short pink hair, cut in an artistic style enters the Café and looks for an empty chair.  She finds a couch next to the low tables in the back-end of the Café which is reassuringly spacious.  The decorations and interior design is what they call postmodern.  And the lighting is angular and full-spectrum.  Café people love this place because it is so stylish, yet not to the point of making you feel uncomfortable should you accidentally spill your tea or coffee.
The Panter Cigarillo has truly left this Man at ease, and now he reaches for his Android phone and casually reads some Poetry from a New Futurist-Writer that is seen on his screen. 

The poem goes:
Black Silk/
Lace and Lingerie/
The Scent of Body Oils/ Mingle and Play/
Ugni Blanc or Chardonnay?/Spicy Syrah or Cabernet?/
Would Warm Water/ Prefer To Be Hotter!?!/

Suddenly!, his Android makes a ‘flute and bell’ sound that alerts him of something important based upon the customized specs made so by the typical Android Owner.
The Logo for the Android’s Dating App starts dancing at the center of his screen. Upon activation, with a quick tap of the App, the screen changes to the specs of the Dating Mobile Website.  The message says, “There is someone in your present location that is very compatible with you based on your Personal Profile!”

Option: Send Text Message

He quickly begins to type using his holographic keyboard emitter that comes standard with his Android.  Five minutes have passed or so, and the Young Woman with Pink Hair laughs with joy and begins to type upon her Android’s keyboard display.
The two scan the room and in a matter of a few minutes realize that they can make this match up happen today!  He looks at her and asks via text, is it O.K to introduce himself in person right now.  She responds, Yes!
Sitting on the couch the conversation picks up, and as a stroke of Fate, Good Fortune, or Pure Coincidence, she asks him:  “Do you mind if I smoke? I love the combination of Mocha Coffee and Panter Arome !!!"


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