
Thursday, April 4, 2013


The Half-Moon hangs in the night sky, tilted on its angle while giving milky white light to all who will receive it.  The night is young, for it is only 10:15pm.  The current of headlights from various cars and the latest trend of new glow in the dark street bikes--at times flow in and out of the stream of machine fish that drive the strip.
Machine fish, yes or mechanical fish…might as well be symbolic of how the "strip" or main street, as it is called, appears at night with its consistent rhythm of cars, trucks, and motorcycles moving to the beat of their own business.
Parking lots in front of places like these are perfect for hanging out in summer.  What kind of place do I speak of?  Surely you know it well.  The late night Mexican Nacho & Burrito Haven.  Is there a Nacho Haven in your town?  Not some lame excuse for cheese.  Nor a fake example of corn nachos.  But a real authentic mouthwatering and tongue tantalizing experience in food.  Beware food-aholics…places like these can be addictive.  …Second only to Sex for some at times.
Real ingredients are the standard for real food.  Yet a real Nacho Haven has taken the time to make sure that the chef cooks with heartfelt emotions…why?  Well mainly because they love making Mexican food.  Or perhaps because they understand that some of us are creatures of the night and need Mexican food.  The late night cravings which some call ‘the late night munchies’, is a serious affliction not to be taken for a joke!
It all comes down to this.  Some nights, the moon, stars, temperature and vibe are all in alignment.  However you enjoy relaxing is how you do, whatever that may be…but in the end, the hunger pangs cannot be soothed with mere water!  Hunger pangs must be met with one thing and one thing only!  Food!!!!  Good ole, no questions asked real food--real meals for a real feel!
To hear the crunch, after sinking your teeth into some steak nachos…I mean, what more do you want on a night like that.  If anything it’s the perfect Segway to the nights festivities even if they be short lived.  Nachos are a true delicacy.  Never to be under estimated or devalued in my eyes.
            To taste the many flavors all combining into one, with a fine variety of cheese, then savory sauce and steak, beans, lettuce, onions, olives, etcetera, etcetera, what!?!  Please understand that some like it spicy yet don’t forget the Guacamole. Never to be under estimated or devalued in my eyes.
            Nacho Haven is just that for the night world and night breed.  It sustains us and provides delicious nourishment and wide variety of plant nutrients that we wouldn’t normally receive in our nocturnal diet.
            Nachos are one of the Great Medicine's for the Night-world.  One of the most highly recommended cures for late night hunger pangs, crippling to some who refer to it with confidence as, “the late night munchies”.  Partake of this medicine with care, for it is widely known and accepted to be VERY ADDICTIVE!

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