
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dragon's Milk

            "This is by far, the best beer I have tasted!"  "Ale Aged in Oak Barrels!!!" The Tavern Owner says in a booming voice, “Hail, New Holland Brewery!”  “They have done well and deserve praise!!!”  The tavern folk raise their glasses—a moment of silence fills the room and then abruptly vanishes to the sound of many conversations and good cheer!
            Succulent, Soft and Savory Steaks, alongside other hearty meals are being ordered left and right. O, The Tavern Owner is wise, for he understands the nature of his Tavern folk very well.  On this day, Dragon’s Milk Beer is being sold at for a special buy one and you get the next order of Dragon’s Milk half off.  And the secret is this particular beer cannot be fully appreciated unless meat, especially Red Meat is eaten with it.  By the time some gulps of Dragon’s Milk have been downed, there isn’t one Tavern soul alive that would prefer to just drink this and be merry without food!  Something that sticks to your ribs and can humble even the Burliest Man’s belly is the impulse and ultimate desire. 
            Dragon’s Milk, looks like Dark Nectar colored in the manner of molasses and is treated like sacred water here. Tonight The Tavern walls vibrate with the same ageless rhythm seeing that the culture of The Tavern is as old as time can tell.
            A buxom waitress smiles while carrying a good sized tray of beef barbequed ribs and bone pulled barbequed chicken heavily dipped in a burgundy colored sticky sauce.  With blue cheese trays placed in a heavenly formation—know that their number is three!
            A Man shouts out!  “Brings us a Bard, for this Beer is the Ale of Ages!”  The people at his table encourage his request, though not too long before their sauce dripping meats are devoured without mercy!
Some could say that the food being eaten and drink being drunk here is the equivalent of having an orgasm!  Well, this is the nature of Dragon’s Milk.  A Beer that already has won the hearts of Men and Women who honor the old traditions handed down, generation to generation, and tavern to tavern.  Their love for something special that adds spice and zest to their life is important, and the main reason why Tavern Owners believe their profession is a calling.

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