
Wednesday, April 3, 2013



Neon colors like red, purple, sky blue, and green glow from the crystal rhinestone tips of the many electronic cigarettes in the Nightclub's V.I.P lounge.  This lavish room is comfortably filled with A-list people who frequent the night scene as a lifestyle.  The dark lounge space is a true futuristic atmospheric environment where lighting and mood merge together.  And at the same time creating the kind of emotion best suited for a Night Owl’s hangout and one of a kind Nightclub!

Women, music, and drinks make a vital combination for a night of chance and timing where all rests upon your approach.  And these are the very ideas that are part and parcel of J.C. or Jake Carrington’s philosophy. 
"A door may be opened but it is totally up to you to walk through it.
Jake, or J.C. as he is called, lives and breathes this motto and more over—it is his passion.

Scanning the room as if he was born with night vision, he focuses his attention on an attractive woman chatting with her group of friends.  Their eyes meet from across the room and J.C. knows intuitively that this is his best window of opportunity.  A chance to show and prove to himself yet again that he just has a way with women very much like a sixth sense.

As he strolls over to the group of friends, their electronic cigarettes start to glow collectively in unison, the way groups of lightning bugs speak to each other on hot summer nights.  The moment of the icebreaker is now here! 

“Hi, my name is J.C., may I buy you a drink, maybe some Rum and Coke or a Martini?”  J.C. looks directly into the brown eyes of a raven haired woman.

The young raven haired woman first looks at her friends, then shifts her position in the leather couch, crossing her legs and gazing into the distance.  She feels nervous because his question suddenly has caught her off guard.  Though this is the case her effort in covering this up by acting nonchalant is believable from the perspective of her friends.

“Sure, I’ll have a Martini.”  Her lipstick blends in with the Nightclub’s colored lighting as she takes a hit from her electronic cigarette.

“...looks like you’re a good dancer.” She says after exhaling a cloud of vapor into the air.

“Well that’s what some say…by the way, your name is?”

“Veronica” she replies and J.C. is now more than ever determined to escort her over to the bar. 

Veronica’s friends continue to exhale thick vapor into the air from their electronic cigarettes as she stands up and extends her hand over to J.C.  Veronica briefly shakes hands with J.C. and his eyes quickly take notice of her curvy and sexy figure as they both proceed to walk leisurely to the bar.

“We’ll get a chance to dance, but first how about that Martini?” J.C. mentions.

“Okay" Veronica turns off her electronic cigarette.

The Bartender looks at the two, gets his request and begins to make the drink for Veronica.  Within a few moments the conversation begins to take speed and if by a stroke of eternal good fortune…chemistry emerges.  And that is something yet to be explained in a manual written from Jake Carrington’s point of view.

Veronica sips her drink and begins to feel the pulse, and this is the pulse of sexual attraction.  It’s like J.C. is saying all the right things at the right time.  They might as well be dancing to the Indie Pop, and Electronica music that is playing on the dance floor as they speak.  Veronica begins to feel very warm inside…and it is a good feeling.  A feeling she craves for.  Much like how one of those city hipsters crave sushi nowadays.

            “So, J.C. how do you want to keep in touch…by social media, I have an Android.” Veronica asks while looking into his eyes.

“I do too…but how about this, remember when you would go to the grocery store thinking…maybe I’ll meet someone like me there?”

“Yeah… I know what you mean…cell phones weren’t so dominant then.”

“Well…that’s what I want.  Don’t get me wrong.  We can connect via our cell phones…and social media…is Okay…but I like to feel who I am with.”

“I like that!”

Shortly thereafter, they decide to exchange information using their Androids.  And promise each other to spend more time face to face instead of solely through a digital computer screen.  While laughing and feeling good, Veronica opens up more by often touching and casually caressing J.C’s arm.

“Wow…we really use Androids now, like something out of a Movie.” Veronica says in a laid back tone.

“This could be out of a movie…I’ve been wanting to give you a warm hug all night.”  J.C. responds.

“Sure!” Veronica giggles with delight.

And the two embrace.  J.C. feels the heat coming off of Veronica’s body and knows this is exactly what he lives for.  Meeting a woman like this. An attractive woman with a very hot internal body temperature.  Yet not in the slightest way quick tempered, difficult or excessively sarcastic by nature.  J.C. and Veronica walk to the dance floor taking in the phased out sound of heavenly guitars and layered bass drums.  And that very night Veronica received a sweet surprise.  A nice night with a smooth operator, who only wanted to hug & kiss her on the cheek —and did!

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