
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Moon Phase Tattoo Ink

Moon Phase Tattoo Ink

She lies on her flat stomach, upon a firm massage table as the expert tattoo artist continues to ink her intricate design with the focus of a Brain Surgeon!   This is no ordinary tattoo procedure being done. The utmost care and patience is being applied to ensure that the correct intention and artistic process is done correctly.

Umberto Rodriguez has been a tattoo artist for 15 years, and in that time he has seen many designs from the creative imaginations and requests of his clients.  Yet, his specialty has become an esoteric branch of tattooing that is all about creating what is known as self-animated tattoos.  These advanced tattoos can only be made and designed with a unique brand of Ink called Moon Phase Tattoo Ink.

Self-animated tattoos made with the special Ink called Moon Phase Tattoo Ink, allows the tattoo itself to become a living design which moves upon the wearers skin in a preconceived manner.  This is a major step forward where in the past the idea was to flex your arm in a certain way just to make the image of a tattooed lady dance; a Hawaiian female dancer drawn upon the arm of a naval officer for example.

Umberto, Chief Artist of Pattern Inks Tattoo Shop, takes notice of his clients overall progression, from a Tattoo Artist’s point of view!

“Roxana, your Black Rose design is coming along very nicely!”  Umberto says with a reassuring tone.

“I’m so happy, and can’t wait to see it all done.” Roxana replies in a cheerfully eager way from the massage table.

Umberto continues to Ink Roxana’s back with his tattoo device as his hands carefully and artistically a-fix fine detail through medical latex gloves.  The design is of a Large Black Rose that fully opens to the light of a Stylized-Moon.  This very same Black Rose closes to the light of a Stylized-Sun that the Moon eventually transforms into.  The Moon design completes its journey moving in an arc over her two shoulder blades and upper back expressing Night Time (from right shoulder blade to left).  And once this animated series of events is complete, the Sun design appears in a new animated series of events journeying in a similar arc over her shoulder blades—all in one tattoo.  The Large Black Rose tattooed upon her spine with noticeable leaf and stem motion closes shut by Mid-day, and opens only upon Moon Rise on the tattoo graphical space. In this case, the graphical space is Roxana’s back.

Roxana is a Raven haired woman with strong Yugoslavian features.  Her Moon White Milky Skin is very smooth, and very soft!  Her eye color is very dark and the shape of her eyes is exotic. 

Roxana is a Black Rose!  Although, she is not an impersonator of Elvira Mistress of the Dark—no over the top wigs here.  Everything about Roxana is real.  Her appearance is as much of a Vanilla Vixen dipped in Dark Chocolate as it gets.  And the Moon Phase Tattoo Ink that is being etched into her skin will always be a reminder of that!

The entire design uses specially chosen dark colors and tones that ensure a pleasing sense of great satisfaction and intimate relationship with the body.  Also, these special inks are made to not fade quickly over time.  The Large Black Rose is planted firmly at the center of her lower spine.  The design itself is gorgeous and befitting of Roxana’s personality and physical features.  Tattooed with great care, it reaches upwards until the top petals span around the area in between her shoulder blades.  The Moon Phase design has every detail of the self-animated Black Rose and Sky taken into account.  All the way down to glistening diamond like dew drops on the Black Rose leaves in the early morning with Stylized-Sun depiction of the tattoo itself.

Roxana’s Milky White Skin has truly been transformed into a Painter’s Canvas that Umberto uses to expertly create a Masterpiece of Exotic and Futuristic Tattoo Art.  A tattoo quite different from the ordinary ones you might have seen before.  This one is made with a mysterious ink that will always stay unknown to Novice Tattoo Designers.  For only the chosen few know it by its name, now known to you and other interested seekers as...Moon Phase Tattoo Ink!   

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