
Friday, May 17, 2013

Elven Wine

Elven Wine

Elven Wine,
O, Elven Wine,
Fine Drink
Of the Elves from the Wood!

Dark Red and White Wine,
Fine, and Sumptuous, and Good!

Graced with Magic,
One sip of this,
Elixir of fruit and vine,
Will have the Bard,
Sing in Melodies,
Betwixt words of riddle and rhyme!

Elven Wine,
In my cup,
A special crystal flask!

I drink you sincerely,
And begin to laugh,
Since you are happiness
Held behind glass!

Elven Wine,
O, Elven Wine,
You truly make me happy!

Is it your magic?
Imbued in drink,
A dark spell of sorts
Or mystery…

Am I to ask the Elves?
Who know the secret
of Elven Wine,
A secret 
they keep to themselves!

For now I drink,
Elven wine,
Not knowing the grape or vine.
All I can say,
Transfixed in a way
Is that I love this wine...

O, Elven Wine!

Elven Wine,
 O, Elven Wine!

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