
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Gemstone Gods

Gemstone Gods

The streets are paved with Gold and the lanes are laid out in artisan lined dash marks that illuminate at night as White Diamonds sparkle by day.  There are eight lanes.  Four lanes specifically made for traffic moving in a forward progression.  And the other four lanes are made for approaching traffic.  Traffic congestion is rare, for the hover cars and various other hover vehicles move in an elegant way--as they should. 

The street lights are very artistic in style and design.  As they stretch upon long poles reaching towards the day sky and absorbing the sunlight. By the time it is night fall, they provide a very pretty luminescence for the Mega-City.  And as you can see, the insignia of the Emperor is integrated in the architectural forms all around us, so that it is part and parcel of the Cityscape as a whole.

The buildings are magnificent.  Many of them are stylized in the manner of the Smooth Pyramid or Stepped Pyramid Design.  The other buildings tend to have a very abstract approach to form and shape, when not using the pyramid structure or variations thereof.  And would you believe, gemstones of a fantastic assortment with a keen eye to detail are the core source of colors.  As paint is considered and used in the lesser foreign or other worldly cities in the Cosmos.  These gemstones have been grown using a technique handed down from the Age of The Gods.  In fact, they are made with perfect skill to take upon any size from the tiniest to the most enormous imaginable!

The Gods, I have mentioned, I am told are known to us as The Gemstone Gods!  They are a very important part of our Cultural History as well as our Collective Mind.  And yes, they are real.  Some are Gods and some are Goddesses.  Eons ago, these Gemstone Gods perfected the Mystical Science of creating and harnessing the power of any Gemstone for whatever wish they wanted to be fulfilled!  And you might ask, what did they accomplish in doing this?  All manner of things secret and sacred to us!

For example, The Gemstone Gods are the True Masters of Super Strong and Ultra light weight Glass created in a dazzling multitude of colors.  Strong enough to easily bare the rigors of Interstellar Travel!  The Gemstone Gods are the True Masters of Knowledge concerning the Crystal Emporium--abode of the Cosmic Crystals and Realm of Arcane Wisdom.  The Gemstone Gods are the reason for our Advanced City's design and the Secret Science behind its functioning.

Our Gemstone Gods have made sure that the technology and teachings of Master Craft will never be lost to us!  And as I stand in this City, a jewel in their treasure trove, I am reassured that cities such as these will always exist on this World!  I cannot imagine a way of life without their eternal guidance as an example of the divine measurements that have become as common place as a frame is to one of our windows or doors.

And just as there are two Moons in our Sky—by the light of the day and the black silken veil of the night, I proclaim that our Crystal City will stand Glorious Forever!

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