
Monday, March 25, 2013

Water is Wise


Water is Wise
wiser than we know,
just ask the snowflake crystal.

Winter white,
millions of little,
ice spirits made hills
not at all so very little.

Dormant trees
asleep for a season
all but the evergreen.

The brook, the creek,
the lake, the pond,
the river, the stream--

All believe nature's helper
is the little snowflake crystal.

Water is wise
wiser than we know
just ask the rain droplet so.

Violet clouds
Black clouds
Grey sometimes dark Blue.

Millions of raindrop
water spirits
made a rainbow of 7 hues.

The brook, the creek,
the lake, the pond,
the river and the stream.

The bubble on the pond & lake,
the golden ray and the sun beam.

All knew it happened as if 
from a dream.

"...water is ice and steam!"

The forest merged in unison
to this very primordial conclusion.

Water is wise
wiser than we know.
Just ask us by name
and we will tell you so.

Water is wise.

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