
Monday, March 4, 2013

A Fairy from Fairy Land

A Fairy from Fairy Land

Opalescent wings open
fluttering to the pulse of the Emerald Grove.
A Nature Spirit visits the forest trail
on an adventure yet to be told.

Inside a bubble it moves,
and in unison time frozen still.
Its movements resemble
the honey bee
or the sprites that dwell
under the hill.

Pebbles upon the path,
glisten to its stuttering step.
Hovering at times
upon a flower
only to take in a deep breath.

Strong fragrance
permeates the breeze
on command of the Nature Spirit.

The wind blows,
The honey bees hum,
and the forest wrens sing their song.

Strong fragrance from flower petals
glowing with a neon hue,
showering a pleasing aroma
onto the trail--
A naturalistic perfume!

What is the bubble of light
that contains the forest sprite?

A fairy from fairy-land
It is…

With a dress that lady bugs like.
Feathers and jewels for a bracelet,
And butterfly wings to match.

Pink and sky blue,
white and orange too,
adorn the fairy from fairy-land
On an adventure that continues.

More pixie dust and sparkles,
a fix themselves to leaves.

Branches stretch
to touch the sky
And now the song of the trees.

Tree trunks expand
As vibrations blend in and out again.

An orchestra melody,
filling the trail with deep,
rhythms that sway back and forth--

becoming the song
of the fairy.

The fairy from fairy-land!

Can it be?
O, yes it can!

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