
Monday, March 4, 2013

The Moon

The Moon

Long, long ago, during the Age of the Gods, there was a beautiful lake called Honey-Drop.  And it was made up of the sweetest water mortal man could ever dream of drinking.  It was said by the people of the area that the water from that particular Lake was the main ingredient in making extremely powerful Love Potions.   Along the banks of this lake were also precious gems of Moonstone glittering in great abundance.
  The Kingdom of that valley where Lake Honey-Drop existed would use the water from their special lake to make a premium quality wine called Ambrosia.  And this very Ambrosia, made them known across the lands.  And Kingdoms far and wide would import this fine treasure and potent drink. The Kingdom of Wysdom-Fond prospered greatly from their Honey-Drop Lake and the Ambrosia wine they produced was considered a delicacy best experienced at feasts.
One day in late spring, a princess from the Kingdom of Wysdom-Fond decided to ask her Royal Magicians if it was possible to find other Lakes like Honey-Drop by using Magic to observe the Realms.  The Royal Magicians considered the request a great idea, and decided the best way to accomplish this was to use the gemstones found laden upon the banks of Honey-Drop Lake to create a special kind of mirror.  This special mirror would be enhanced with magical powers, and would allow the viewer to see very far into distances of unimaginable lengths, as well as travel to and from to those distances safely.
The time had finally arrived when the special mirror was presented by the Royal Magicians, a select group of Artisans, and also Metal Workers who worked on the project. The group graciously presented their gift to the Princess of Wysdom-Fond.  “Princess Kalena, we present to you, this mirror of High- Magical quality.  May it aid you in achieving what you request!” 
Delighted, Princess Kalena decided to give the mirror a name, and on the spot said, “I name this Magical Mirror, Honey-Drop Crystal Gate!  And will use this to find whatever my heart desires.” 
The Grand Magician of the Royal Council said, “To activate this mirror, whether it is to gaze upon the Realms or to travel to and from there, all you must say is the following. Honey-Drop Crystal Gate, do as I command.”
Princess Kalena, had the mirror taken to her personal chamber in the palace and began to use the Honey-Drop Crystal Gate to gaze upon lands known and unknown to her.  And within a few seasons, she amassed great knowledge and fascination for discovering new and exciting things.
One night, the Moon happened to catch Princess Kalena’s eye by its reflection upon her Magical Mirror.  “I wonder if there are lakes on the Moon the kind that produce Ambrosia such as the one found here in Wysdom-Fond.”  Princess Kalena in a confident voice said and continued.  “Honey-Drop Crystal Gate, do as I command.”  The mirror began to glow in a multitude of fantastic colors the kind that you are accustomed to seeing on the surface of the Opal Stone.  “Take me to the Moon”, Princess Kalena said.  And the Mirror floated into the air, and turned into the most exotic portal gateway that she had seen.  With all manner of protective writing in a fantastic and ornate script all along its frame work, ensuring that the journey would be a safe one.
Princess Kalena, entered the portal doorway and was instantly transported to the Moon in beams of magical light that covered and shielded her Aura & Body.  The portal brought her to a deep valley on the Moon that was covered in the most marvelous magenta colored ice crystals that she had ever seen.  And upon close inspection, Princess Kalena became convinced that such crystals should be used to further enhance the potency of the Ambrosia made from Honey-Drop Lake.
As she began to walk towards the Portal and return back to her Kingdom, all of a sudden a bright light appeared.  And immediately that bright light turned into the form of a very beautiful and exotic woman, adorned in the manner of a Deity.
“I am Ajua, Goddess of The Moon”, the Deity proclaimed in a powerful voice that echoed throughout the valleys found on the Moon.  Princess Kalena, quickly fell to her knees and said in a respectful and pleasant tone--  
“O, Great Ajua, Goddess of the Moon. I am one of the Princesses from the Kingdom of Wysdom-Fond that has traveled great distances to visit your abode and Lunar Realm.  I wish to know this from you and in the manner of a fine lady of a Royal Court I ask.”
The Deity responded, “Ask what your heart desires and I will see to it that you receive an answer that is both true and equal to the nature of the question you direct to me.”  Her voice echoed.
“Goddess, can these magnificent Moon Ice-Crystals, laid before me, be properly used to make Ambrosia, and also as a secret ingredient for a more powerful love potion?  A potion that will greatly strengthen the feelings of passion and desire held dear between lovers?”
“Yes they surely can, yet how do you intend on transporting such crystals, daughter of Wysdom-Fond, to the Earthly Realm and Abode of my Brother who is also a God?”
“Is there a way that you can help me accomplish this mighty deed, O Moon Goddess?”
“I will gladly help, for you have addressed me properly and what your heart desires is for a good deed to be done.  Especially onto those who wish to experience their love for one another to a much greater extent…as is the way of lovers.”
The Moon Deity begins to sing a song over the deep canyon that is filled with Magenta colored Moon-Ice.  And as she sings, the ice begins to disappear, until all that is left is a barren canyon and valley floor. 
“Tomorrow, Princess Kalena of Wysdom-Fond, go to your Honey-Drop Lake and say this upon the banks of its waters.” “The Deity of the Moon, Great Goddess of The Celestial Expanse and Lunar Abode decrees that your waters are now imbued with Moon Power by The Way of Her Magic!”
Princess Kalena thanked the Goddess Ajua, and entered through the portal provided by her Magical-Mirror—safely returning home. 
The next day, our Princess and her entourage traveled to Honey-Drop Lake where she said exactly what she had been instructed to by the Moon Deity Ajua.  Upon saying the words over the water, suddenly a cloud with an intense color exactly the same as the Moon crystals seen the night before began to descend onto the land.  And in doing so a deep pinkish mist covered the entire land of Wysdom-Fond.  Slowly the mist began to fade, once it had vanished, and to their surprise a number of the waterfalls in the valley turned pink in color.  This would then produce pink streams as well as pink ponds in specific and various locations.  Although some of their many rivers and ponds remained the same.
Subsequently, the wine makers upon learning of this, used both the pink waters and the water from Honey-Drop Lake to make the most powerful Ambrosia and Love Potions known in their time.  The wine became so sought after, that even the Gods themselves declared this Ambrosia to be, The Drink of The Gods.
As the Age of The Gods would pass, and new Eras would dawn onto the world of Mankind.  One thing since then has never changed.  And that is the belief in the Moon’s Power to bring those who are deeply in love; ever so much closer to a world of romance, by just the right touch of Moonlight and Rose colored Wine!

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