
Monday, March 25, 2013

Rain Drop

Rain Drop

Rain drop from high- rain drop from low,
Rain drop hanging from a leaf,
Rain drop on a blade of grass,
Rain drop onto a puddle.

Rain drop from high- Rain drop from low,
Rain drop onto a puddle,
Rain drop onto a pond,
Rain drop rings and ripples grow,

Rain droplet.

Rain drop from high- rain drop from low,
Few turn into many,
Rain drop onto rain drop,
 Rain droplet,

   Rain drop.       



from heights above
O, water,
Crisp, cold, and clean.

What's behind the waterfall
A doorway
A treasure trove
A dream.

Rainbow on the water.
Waterfall of the lake.

Doors do open
gems do glisten
 Dreams such as these
 give way to new



Bubble upon the lake
and water sprite
ripples and rings appear.

Bubble floating
above the lake

Few notice this,
yet here
but a deer.

In silence
the elements do respond.

As the bubble takes its course

Shining orbs
hewn from ether
 meander the forest glen--

following a mighty sphere.

Crystal clear 
a glass ether
 partly invisible yet there

A sphere 
of the element air

Starting the process again & again.



The family of trees still stand
from deep Earthen forests
to dry arid lands.

Chroniclers of times passing,
wooden grooves and rings,
ancient trails of meandering.

Wisdom found in wood,
beholder of nature's secrets,
as day turns to night,
night turns to day again.

Roots intertwine
powered by the Earthly sphere.
The soil stays together
The leaves breathe and remember
song carried in the wind.

By the wind itself...

Does the forest know your name?
for they who have stayed in spirit,
for they who have gone and came,
for they who have come and gone

To the forest collective song.

My name is known to the wood
Is your name known to the wood?

Is your name known for good?
Is your name known for evil?

Beyond the ways of some city people
Is your name known to the wood?

My name is known to the wood
Is your name known to the wood?

Is your name known for good?
Is your name known for evil?

Beyond the ways of some city people
Is your name known to the wood?
My name is known to the wood.

Water is Wise


Water is Wise
wiser than we know,
just ask the snowflake crystal.

Winter white,
millions of little,
ice spirits made hills
not at all so very little.

Dormant trees
asleep for a season
all but the evergreen.

The brook, the creek,
the lake, the pond,
the river, the stream--

All believe nature's helper
is the little snowflake crystal.

Water is wise
wiser than we know
just ask the rain droplet so.

Violet clouds
Black clouds
Grey sometimes dark Blue.

Millions of raindrop
water spirits
made a rainbow of 7 hues.

The brook, the creek,
the lake, the pond,
the river and the stream.

The bubble on the pond & lake,
the golden ray and the sun beam.

All knew it happened as if 
from a dream.

"...water is ice and steam!"

The forest merged in unison
to this very primordial conclusion.

Water is wise
wiser than we know.
Just ask us by name
and we will tell you so.

Water is wise.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Fairy from Fairy Land

A Fairy from Fairy Land

Opalescent wings open
fluttering to the pulse of the Emerald Grove.
A Nature Spirit visits the forest trail
on an adventure yet to be told.

Inside a bubble it moves,
and in unison time frozen still.
Its movements resemble
the honey bee
or the sprites that dwell
under the hill.

Pebbles upon the path,
glisten to its stuttering step.
Hovering at times
upon a flower
only to take in a deep breath.

Strong fragrance
permeates the breeze
on command of the Nature Spirit.

The wind blows,
The honey bees hum,
and the forest wrens sing their song.

Strong fragrance from flower petals
glowing with a neon hue,
showering a pleasing aroma
onto the trail--
A naturalistic perfume!

What is the bubble of light
that contains the forest sprite?

A fairy from fairy-land
It is…

With a dress that lady bugs like.
Feathers and jewels for a bracelet,
And butterfly wings to match.

Pink and sky blue,
white and orange too,
adorn the fairy from fairy-land
On an adventure that continues.

More pixie dust and sparkles,
a fix themselves to leaves.

Branches stretch
to touch the sky
And now the song of the trees.

Tree trunks expand
As vibrations blend in and out again.

An orchestra melody,
filling the trail with deep,
rhythms that sway back and forth--

becoming the song
of the fairy.

The fairy from fairy-land!

Can it be?
O, yes it can!



Of Remote regions in the cosmos,
unknown to the eyes
of Men.

& years;
exchange with no one to witness them.

Again it is the stone,
aeon onto eon,
eon onto aeon.

Keeper of ultimate secrets
whispered and remembered.

Shared with only the worthy Soul,
matured and valued
as plates of Gold.

Ancient Stone,
Oceans have seen you there,
upon banks
where waves have eternally dwelled.

Ebb and flow,
Flow and ebb,
Time alone knows you can tell.

firmly placed
with life invested as mere moments.

You are found where some tread not
On the precipice of Omnipotence.

Dragons Above and Beyond the Sea

Dragons Above and Beyond the Sea

Levels as stairs in a house made with rooms
keeping one warm in winter.

Altitudes and location,
cloaked in Time and Space.

These types of Dragons soar
through the sky as well as the outer cosmos.

Some teleport upon their lands,
rich valleys
with majestic coasts.

For endless ages the Dragon
wise as well as aged.
At times has walked,
at times has flown,
at times has swam and taught and shown.

As a teacher and guide
to their own.
On the path that ultimately returns home.

Dragons above and beyond the sea,
inspire --
visions of destiny;
visions of something great;
visions of a future time;
visions of a future fate.

As the saga continues on
may the pages turn again.

Dragons above and beyond the sea
again guide the ways.

Of Seers and of Clever Men,
and Women who have long held this too.
The Reality behind the myth of Dragons…for the legends of Dragons are true.