
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Review of: She's A Fox by, Jimi Hendrix

I have always had a special place 
in my Heart and Soul
for Earth Angel styled Rock Music.
And when it comes to artists that have made such
Heavenly divine ballads,
I would have to start such a journey into that
category of Rock Music
with Jimi Hendrix.

I strongly believe
that Earth Angel styled
Rock music was very much so
influenced by the earlier era 
of Swooners and Crooners.
A style of music you rarely if ever hear
on the radio in my 21st century generation.

But a genre of music that is severely needed.

The song, She's a Fox
was recorded in the year 1965.
And is firmly planted in that era of  
Earth Angel Sonic Ballads.
This fine example of early 
Jimi Hendrix guitar playing
has Gino Armstrong and James Stokes 
on vocals.

The melody is vintage, and instantly 
takes one to a world of sparkles, sun shine 
and frosty cotton candy imagery.

I am very satisfied with the notion
that such music has been properly archived
for future listeners to enjoy.
Especially since it is from a time period
where emotions,
such as the ones made timeless by this song,
were pure and true.

I am lucky to have a copy of this very song
on Vinyl Record.
And it is a constant reminder
of the strengths of Vinyl over
 Digital Compact Disc or C.D.
To listen to this song on Vinyl record
is the equivalent of enjoying cheese cake coated with dark chocolate,
And a Mocha Latte Coffee
mixed with one shot of Espresso.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ancient Forest Tea is a Delicacy

Restaurant Owners and Hotel Directors,
I can be contacted at:


And explore the wide variety of Premium Organic 
Loose Leaf Tea that we have to offer.

Ask me about opening an Account with us Today!

-George Ofori-Atta, 
Tea Ambassador for Zhi Tea

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Review of : Do The Dark, Song by Blondie

The song, Do The Dark, is by a now classic New Wave band called Blondie.
I love listening to this entire album.  On a vinyl record the album titled, Autoamerican
is just wonderful. 
 It is like listening to music that
transports you to a Dance Party going on somewhere on another planet.
And there the planet has cities covered in Super Futuristic Graffiti. 

In this party, you will find all kinds of neon hair colors and face painted people
jamming to the music.

What makes this particular song so interesting is that it returns the listener
to the concept of Disco and Soft Electronica 
merging together to create a Neon Night life culture.

Deborah Harry, the lead singer of this band known to us all as Blondie,
has a very sensual voice.
It proves to be the signature selling point of the overall
increasing value of this album in its entirety.

I believe that it is very important to remember
it is the Spirit in the Voice of a Singer
that so captivates us.

And when you have a niche market sound
I am always impressed when the personality
of the individual makes something become timeless.

The music of Blondie will last for many generations to come.
And though, the song Do The Dark,
is from 1980, 
I still believe it is relevant in today's Night World.

Club Hoppers.
Do not forget,
The Night is a testing ground
for The Adult Mindset.

May The Music of Blondie find you well!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Review of: Feelium by, The Smashing Pumpkins

And with another one of their golden arrows,
 Billy Corgan, James Iha, D' Arcy, 
and Jimmy Chamberlin 
have aimed and hit their mark.  
My heart feels the arrow's puncture.  
All I can do is accept the fact 
that their music is under my skin.
The name of this song is, Feelium.  
It is by the Smashing Pumpkins 
and it is an instrumental
 that was going to be made 
into a song for the now classic,
Melancholy and The Infinite Sadness album.
When listening to this fantastic instrumental,

 I am instantly taken away to a land of deep
valleys, high flowers, blue skies, rolling white clouds,
and Golden Sun.

It has the essence of a Native American Spirit to me,
as if this is the Secret Sonic Key,
that is used to open a portal
 into their Spirit Land.

 In regards to the video 
for this special song, 
I think it's long overdue that someone
does these kinds of Psychedelic 
Rock Ballads justice.
A video that is counting on the fact
that the viewer is creative, and values
High Art.

Something befitting of the invisible
colors and textures we
see with our inner vision,
when a gem like this
is made available
for the public.

Monday, December 9, 2013


La, La, La,
Hu, La, La, La

and Stardust

Minerals within us speak,
But Starspeak is one,
very old tongue.

A very language
as ancient as old world creeks.

One that Angelic beings,
Demi Gods,
and a host of Divine speak.

Some stars are even of lower realms,
Some higher still ,and even some parallel.

Of places and regions,
with beauty unparalled

La, La, La,
Hu, La, La, La

One of the greatest
sights I have seen,

Is that little babies
speak Starspeak
In their eighth week.

Don't teach to them to forget
What their first language is.

When Ga, Ga
La, La, La

Is what they're saying so often
 Mom and Papa.
After all,
that is the song that shining stars sing.

Once we were babies,
laughing and crying,
and saying the same thing!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Whales Moving Between Stars

The frigid depths of outer space,
where comets play games of chase.
Do Whales move with grace,
between stars clothed in cosmic lace?

I wonder if?
Living entities such as these exist,
moving in large groups like schools of fish.
And swimming beyond pretty ringed planets  .

No need for rocket ships here,
These "living ships" live off of ether.
And no, their diet is not meager!

How old these cosmic whales must be,
to drink of radiation
and absorb the energy.
At times migrating to great lengths leisurely.

Life on other planets?!?
what about life in space,
What would they call food,
and how does it taste?

So, I continue to ponder
if something lives in Outer Space.
All that space.
Just empty space.
My, my, my what a waste 
of a fantastic place.

If Super Gigantic Whales 
neither lived or breathed
 in the vast reaches of Outer Space!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Chicago Cafés Love Loose Leaf Tea!

Café owners in the Chicago Metropolitan area!
Try Tropical Green Gourmet Loose Leaf Tea.
It is excellent served hot with honey!
Contact George: 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Video for Custom Made Furniture Clientele

Hi Chicago Land and Beyond !,

If you are here looking for a place to buy unique Furniture and Accessories for your living space, then you've found the right place!
I will trade 1 Silver Coin (1oz American Eagle's Only) every time a Client you introduce me to makes a purchase from ONLY The Custom Made Furniture Store I know of.
I am Currently looking for Clientele interested in buying Custom Made Furniture. When something catches your eye, the best thing to do is take a second look. 

I have Self Published a Digital Magazine that was made using the still photography from the Store's Design Catalog. Explore the Magazine and let me know what you think. 

My service is to: 
Bring Awareness to The Store through Clientele and Referrals.
The Crystal Reader Magazine:

Explore the magazine and contact me if you have any questions. My name is George, nice meeting you this way.

 Please Visit:

Explore The Crystal Reader Magazine,

~Available only in~
 Digital Format via Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile Device.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Original Haiku

Beautiful Enlightenment

In a Spider's Web,
The Spider Sees No Beauty,
In a Spider's Web.

 Wind Full Spirit

Wind Which Howls at Night
Neither Sees or Hears the Fright,
Are You Not Sorry?

Fly if Only

The Feather Will Cut
A Cut that Severs Granite
When Bird's Will's Cut Cuts.

Lazurus Pond 

Lost Sons and Daughters
With Memories Held so Deep
Are First to Be Found.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Eye Catching Concept Furniture

Hello Internet Traveler !

Have you ever wanted  
Custom Designed Furniture 
for your House, Apartment
or Condominium?

you are in the Night Club 
and Lounge Industry,
and are looking for 
Custom Designed Furniture 
that catches 
your eye?

If so, contact me at
And I would be happy to make your Imagination come to life.

 Ask for George!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Review of: Pretty, Pretty Star (Song by: Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins)

The eleventh song on the June 2005 released album titled, TheFutureEmbrace,
is a touching masterpiece of dream-lands for the next generations to come.
The song itself brings the listener to an Astral Realm of
cotton candy and nightlife flavored romances 
that are instantly intoxicating.

The main concept of Pretty, Pretty Star is the feeling of being in Love.
I personally believe that Billy Corgan's ability to capture
secret realms of the heart is glorified in this song.
And upon first listen, you can't resist the sensation 
of past memories from your own Love Life.
And should it be that you are currently in Love with someone,
I pray you're not one of Cupid's Veterans.
Because should you be...
this song may bring you to tears 
if the relationship is a complicated matter,
yet you can't stop Loving.

The price for attempting to internalize
Cosmic Unconditional Love is at times a price
that you pay for dearly.

Pretty, Pretty Star is once again
another Cosmic Alien ballad and Dreamy song
from The Leader of The Smashing Pumpkins.

This album titled, TheFutureEmbrace
is like Billy Corgan going on a solo mission.
With the objective to 
find the nearest space in between your Physical body and Aura
and touch you deep in the nerve point of your Soul.

it is on Condition that you have had 
a real chance to experience all the joys,
pains, gains, and losses that imperfect 
Love has to offer.

What makes Pretty, Pretty Star such a Time Vault Classic
is its lyrical melody intertwining with the genres of
Dream Pop and Shoe-Gaze.
And its ultimate ideals and notions of embracing 
Love fully.
Just for the experience and chance to see what it is like
to be Human in that way,
the risk still remains that True Love exists and is Real!
A risk with unseen dangers to your now
exposed Naked Soul that must be overcome.

...For the reward is life enriching.
It is surely a risk you will have to take.
Is it Attainable???...very much so 
and a Crucial Chapter in the 
Book of Life.

I appreciate the Electronica, Dream Pop, and may I say
the Shoe-Gazing aspect of this song and Album in general.
And I will always be marveled at 
how Smashing Pumpkins
can make such Galaxy sounding music
stay relevant to we Humans
on good ol'