
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Review of: She's A Fox by, Jimi Hendrix

I have always had a special place 
in my Heart and Soul
for Earth Angel styled Rock Music.
And when it comes to artists that have made such
Heavenly divine ballads,
I would have to start such a journey into that
category of Rock Music
with Jimi Hendrix.

I strongly believe
that Earth Angel styled
Rock music was very much so
influenced by the earlier era 
of Swooners and Crooners.
A style of music you rarely if ever hear
on the radio in my 21st century generation.

But a genre of music that is severely needed.

The song, She's a Fox
was recorded in the year 1965.
And is firmly planted in that era of  
Earth Angel Sonic Ballads.
This fine example of early 
Jimi Hendrix guitar playing
has Gino Armstrong and James Stokes 
on vocals.

The melody is vintage, and instantly 
takes one to a world of sparkles, sun shine 
and frosty cotton candy imagery.

I am very satisfied with the notion
that such music has been properly archived
for future listeners to enjoy.
Especially since it is from a time period
where emotions,
such as the ones made timeless by this song,
were pure and true.

I am lucky to have a copy of this very song
on Vinyl Record.
And it is a constant reminder
of the strengths of Vinyl over
 Digital Compact Disc or C.D.
To listen to this song on Vinyl record
is the equivalent of enjoying cheese cake coated with dark chocolate,
And a Mocha Latte Coffee
mixed with one shot of Espresso.

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