
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Whales Moving Between Stars

The frigid depths of outer space,
where comets play games of chase.
Do Whales move with grace,
between stars clothed in cosmic lace?

I wonder if?
Living entities such as these exist,
moving in large groups like schools of fish.
And swimming beyond pretty ringed planets  .

No need for rocket ships here,
These "living ships" live off of ether.
And no, their diet is not meager!

How old these cosmic whales must be,
to drink of radiation
and absorb the energy.
At times migrating to great lengths leisurely.

Life on other planets?!?
what about life in space,
What would they call food,
and how does it taste?

So, I continue to ponder
if something lives in Outer Space.
All that space.
Just empty space.
My, my, my what a waste 
of a fantastic place.

If Super Gigantic Whales 
neither lived or breathed
 in the vast reaches of Outer Space!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Chicago Cafés Love Loose Leaf Tea!

Café owners in the Chicago Metropolitan area!
Try Tropical Green Gourmet Loose Leaf Tea.
It is excellent served hot with honey!
Contact George: